Perhaps you spotted a wrong sequence in the headline - I agree the order is wrong, but it's the actual sequence of my life. After I finished in 1977 my high school, I moved with my family to Munich and applied there directly at the company Beta Technik, which was at that this time looking for a cutter. After I told the manager that I actually want to work in a sound studio he replied: "Our company can actually need some help in the sound studio" and so it came that I could gain immediate experience. I had a great willingness to expand my responsibilities and that was understood and adequately funded by the Executive Board, as can be seen easily:
1977-1978: Assistant sound engineer (apprenticeship)
since 1980: Restoration and mastering of old magnetic & optical sound recordings
since 1983: Recording engineer for dubbing in Germany
since 1985: Mixing and recording for dubbing and productions
1980-1995: Chief sound engineer with the following functions:
* organizing and scheduling work of the Audio Division
* internal and external representation of the Audio Division
* technical planning and equipment
* training and managing of eleven staff members
* mixing and recording
* audio mastering
* advising external mixes in UK, Italy and USA
Consoles: Cadac, Studer, Yamaha
Digital Restoration Tools: Cedar
1998-2001: Chief Sound Engineer and Sound Designer for AQUEST in Cologne, also:
* planning and construction of a Foley stage
* training of staff members
Work Stations: AMS Audio File, Pro Tools
Consoles: AMS Logic and Libra Post
1989-2001: Freelance sound engineer mostly for Bavaria Film Studios, Bavaria Music Studios
Bavaria Studios (FSM), ARRI Munich, Beta Technik, Studio 65, Synchron 80, FFS
Consoles: Solid State, Neve, Harrison, Lawo
since 2001: Development of surround sound recording techniques with patent application. Surround recording for the German productions: Bibi Blocksberg, Sophie Scholl and Kammerflimmern.
2002-2007: Freelance sound engineer at ARRI, Bavaria Film Studios, Cinemedia, Bavaria Studios (FSM), Studio 65 and in UK, USA, Spain, Denmark and Sweden for Golden Era Productions
since 2006: Assistant professor for audio technology at Macromedia in Munich
since 2008: Own studio for sound and video productions covering translations, subtitles, voice overs, dubbing and sound mixing
This direct professional career without longstanding formal training may possibly seem a bit unusual, you might get the wrong idea that just about had flown to this guy and he never had to learn something. Well right now I'm sitting at my computer and learn how to make this site and 40 years ago I was sitting in my room surrounded by cables, electronic components and hardboard, teaching myself how to build a synthesizer. I am since then constantly learning and the time is for me not to bad. Technological development is progressing so rapidly in our time, because a person would have needed several life to enjoy all this in a lifetime. But as exciting as this may be, to be able to learn independently things is a key to meeting this challenge.
3. Skills/Training:
1977-78: Sound Assistent (Beta Technik in-house education)
1985: Education in basic electronics (IHK)
1980-83: Sound Engineer (Beta Technik in-house education)
2003-04: Media designer for picture and sound (SRT-Nürnberg)
2005-06: Training in Clear Sound Technology (GEP-USA)
- Details
Written by Rainer Ottenweller
Published: 01 May 2013